Reproduction: Quality Creates Trust

Reproduction We create designs for you – from the layout to the artwork to the finished reproduction proofs. We tailor them to your specific needs and the requirements of the respective printing process. Competent consultation with regard to design and reproduction proof technology tops off our range of services.

Upon request, our graphic design studio will produce
high-quality dummies or printed products that can be
used to impress your customers at sales presentations
or trade fairs, for example.

Using the colour management we have developed,
we can create your individual colour profile that takes
into account the printing substrate and colour system
as well as the printing process. Our workflow leads to
an optimized profile (GMG or ICC) which contains all
process parameters that we already take into account
for the reproduction proofs and during the subsequent
production steps.

Using this method, we ensure that the digital proofs
reflect the expected subsequent printing result within
the narrowest tolerances. That guarantees unproblematic
releases, the shortest set-up times and high process

Our workflow allows even complicated colour constellations
to be developed and realised. In addition, we offer
you remote proofing developed ourselves, which combines
the highest comfort with the most flexibility. We
are therefore responsive to the ever-shortening turnaround
times demanded by the market. There is no more
waiting for the post or courier: You hold the finished
contract proof in your hands within a few minutes of our
reproduction proof beginning to print from your printer.

One more advantage: The remote proofing can be
expanded for use with your customer at the same time
so that you can have direct contact.

Special Features
  • Warping: Using special software, we are able to
convert print motifs into any shape with the aid of
grid distortion.
• Preparation of thermoforming moulds: The deformations
that result from the production process
are balanced out by the previous deformations of
the print motif. Examples include cups (round
composition) and bows with 3-4 screenings.